
Packed Lunches

Ideas for a healthy lunch box

Lunch is an important meal for children and research suggests that a healthy lunch impacts on their education in a positive way.

Below are some ideas to create healthier lunches that children will enjoy.  It also outlines those foods which are not acceptable for packed lunches at Fleetville Infant School.

A healthy packed lunch should include:

  • A good portion of starchy food, eg. Wholegrain roll, tortilla wrap, chapatti, pitta pocket, pasta or rice salad.
  • A portion of lean meat, fish or alternative, eg. Chicken, ham, beef, tuna or egg,
  • Plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • Dairy food, e.g. Reduced fat cheese, yoghurt or fromage frais.
  • A drink e.g. fruit juice, yoghurt drink or a bottle of water.
  • Due to nut allergies in school please do not include nut or nut products e.g. peanut butter, pesto, chocolate nut spreads in your child’s packed lunch.
  • As we have gained a Healthy Schools accreditation, we do not allow sweets fizzy drinks, flavoured water or chocolate bars in school.


We provide fruit for the children every day. Please do not send your child into school with their own snack
