Fleetville Infant & Nursery School
Curriculum Statement
Themes that drive our school curriculum offer:
Nurture & Safety
Excellent outcomes & Ambition
Health & Wellbeing
Our Aims
At Fleetville our rich and inclusive curriculum will provide a breadth of learning experiences with a balance of progressive skills and knowledge that allow children to meet aspirational milestones.
Our curriculum seeks to motivate and inspire children by creating memorable learning where children think deeply, extend their thinking and develop their ideas further preparing them for the next stage in their lives.
We want our children to;
Build their knowledge and cultural capital to enable them to succeed in life by applying their knowledge, skills and understanding.
Develop resilience and perseverance in an ever changing world and develop a sense of self
Be tolerant, kind and considerate with the ability to build and sustain positive relationships.
Notice and develop a love and respect for the natural world
Be curious and fascinated by people and the world around them
Lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives
The Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to reflect our local community and the needs of our children (see themes above). The knowledge and skills for each subject area are mapped to ensure progression and coverage. We believe that first hand experiences and engagement through motivating events effect a change in the long term memory, enabling children to retain knowledge and skills and make links. Reading threads through all aspects of the curriculum with carefully planned core texts providing a rich vocabulary and love of books and reading for pleasure.
Our teachers
Are life-long learners
Deliver learning that challenges, inspires and motivates
Know and understand each child as an individual, enabling all to feel safe and thrive
Have a deep understanding of cognition and learning
Have an expert knowledge of the subjects they teach
Are excellent role models
Make conscious connections in their teaching
Monitor constantly and give clear feedback
Promote high quality oracy and expect full sentences and correct grammar
Understand that progress is effecting change in the long term memory and provide opportunities for ‘sticky learning’
Personal Development: Children participate in a wide variety of activities to broaden their interests. They know that keeping physically healthy keeps them mentally healthy. They are responsible and respectful towards others and the environment and are aware of their place in the community.
Behaviour and attitudes: Children demonstrate excellent behaviour around the school and are caring and safe. They are resilient learners and take pride in their achievements.
Quality of Education: Children achieve consistently highly, above national expectations making at least expected progress.
We teach the curriculum through themes, known as Learning Journeys. We use Mathematics Mastery as the vehicle through which we teach the Mathematics curriculum and our English curriculum is based on high quality key texts.
We use a variety of reading schemes including:
Oxford Reading Tree
Big Cat Books
PM books
Bug Club
We follow Letters and Sounds phonics programme of study and teach this through Essential Letters and Sounds.
Curriculum and Assessment Maps
Please click on the links below to view our Curriculum Maps and additional information for each year group. If you require any further information about the curriculum please see the subject pages or contact the school office.
For more additional information and guidance for specific subject areas please click here:
Our staff may use AI generation tools (i.e. to help create teaching resources or to assist with administration tasks), however, personal details would not be included and any information produced would be vetted before being accessed by children.